**Siyuan Luo** luosiyuan2002@gmail.com https://siyuanluo.com Research Interests =================================================== + *Computer Graphics, Robotics*
Physical-Based Simulation, Parallel Computing Education =================================================================== B.S. (2023) : *Xi'an Jiaotong University(XJTU)*
Major in Computer Science High School (2017-2019) : *The Middle School Attached To Northwestern Polytechnical University*
Xi'an, Shaanxi, China Research Experiences =================================================== 2022.11-2023.9 : *Research Student in [NUS](https://nus.edu.sg/)*, Remote, :
Working with [Prof. Lin Shao](https://linsats.github.io), :
Do research focusing on unified differentiable simulator. 2022.9-2023.6 : *Research Assistant in [HKUST(GZ)](https://hkust-gz.edu.cn/)*, Remote, :
Under supervision of [Prof. Zeyu Wang](http://cislab.hkust-gz.edu.cn/members/zeyu-wang/), :
Do research focusing on how to develop efficient and creative tools for artists. 2021.6-2022.3 : *Research Student in [PKU VCL Group](http://vcl.pku.edu.cn/index.html)*, Remote, :
Under supervision of [Prof. Bin Wang](https://binwangbfa.github.io/), :
Learning about simulation in computer graphics, especially in FEM. 2020.9-2021.5 : *Research Intern in [XJTU](http://en.xjtu.edu.cn/)*, Xi'an, China, :
Under supervision of [Prof. Xi Zhao](https://xiaoppx.github.io/home.html), :
Do research about human-modeling reconstruction, especially in SMPL. Working Experiences =================================================== 2022.2-2024.4 : *Software Engineer for Computer Graphics Research and Development in [MIHOYO](https://www.mihoyo.com/en/)*, Shanghai, China, :
Parallel Computing, Physics-based Simulation and Game Engine Development, improving the cloth simulation pipeline for a vitrual character [Lumi](https://twitter.com/Lumi_N0va), especially in gpu-based realtime cloth solver. 2021.9-2022.1 : *Summer Camp Member in [Tencent(Morefun Studio)](https://morefun.qq.com/)*, Remote, :
Self-designing a tiny 3D ARPG Game on PC using Unreal Engine 4 2019.9-2020.9 : *Intern Student in [XJTU IAIR](http://www.aiar.xjtu.edu.cn/)*, Xi'an, China, :
Programming for data annotation. Publications =============================================================== + [*SoftMAC: Differentiable Soft Body Simulation with Forecast-based Contact Model and Two-way Coupling with Articulated Rigid Bodies and Clothes*](https://sites.google.com/view/softmac)
Min Liu, Gang Yang, Siyuan Luo, Chen Yu, and Lin Shao
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2024 (Oral Pitch) + [*Jade: A Differentiable Physics Engine for Articulated Rigid Bodies with Intersection-Free Frictional Contact*](https://sites.google.com/view/diffsim/)
Gang Yang, Siyuan Luo, Yunhai Feng, Zhixin Sun, Chenrui Tie, and Lin Shao
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2024 + [*DASKEL: An Interactive Choreographic System with Labanotation-Skeleton Translation*](https://www.siyuanluo.com/cv.html)
Siyuan Luo, Borou Yu and Zeyu Wang
Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG) 2023, short paper + [*DiffClothAI: Differentiable Cloth Simulation with Intersection-free Frictional Contact and Differentiable Coupling with Articulated Rigid Bodies*](https://sites.google.com/view/diffsimcloth)
Xinyuan Yu, Siheng Zhao, Siyuan Luo, Gang Yang, and Lin Shao
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2023 + [*ClothesNet: An Information-Rich 3D Garment Model Repository with Simulated Clothes Environment*](https://sites.google.com/view/clothesnet)
Bingyang Zhou, Haoyu Zhou, Tianhai Liang, Qiaojun Yu, Siheng Zhao, Yuwei Zeng, Jun Lv, Siyuan Luo, Qiancai Wang, Xinyuan Yu, Haonan Chen, Cewu Lu, and Lin Shao
IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023 Academic Service =================================================================== + *Reviewer* (Robotics)
IROS 2024 + *Reviewer* (Computer Graphics)
Teaching =================================================================== + [*Computer Graphics*](https://github.com/XJTU-Graphics) (COMP551805) at Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2021,2022,
Working as Teaching Assistant,
Design and improve our course lab [Dandelion](https://github.com/XJTU-Graphics/dandelion) with team members. + *Programming Design in C++(Honor)* at Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2020,2021,
Working as Teaching Assistant. + [*GAMES 104(Game Enigne Intro and Development)*](https://games104.boomingtech.com/sc/) in 2022
Lab and community contributor.